An isolated, mountain lake near Wolf Creek, OR
God Interfere in Our Lives?
Here’s a question for you...does God interfere or intercede in our lives?
answer? I believe He does (see below). But I also believe He intercedes in some
lives more than others and in some lives hardly at all.
difference depends on a person's mental makeup. For example, is a person soft or
hard, harsh or gentle, caring or non-caring? People who don’t care for other
people, can’t care for God and, as a result, go through life spiritually alone
and spiritually bereft.
I’ve drawn this conclusion by looking at my own life—who I was compared to who I
am today. I was never a terrorist or harmed anyone, but I was far from honest and
didn’t mind taking advantage of someone if it meant a profit for me.
As you read this story remember
that is a part of my life, realize this: I've always liked people (generally speaking) and I've always
had a relationship, no matter how loose, with God...
After graduating from
Durango high school in 1957, I went straight into the navy, where I intended to
stay until I retired. But, things don’t always go as we plan. After my wife left
me and our three kids in 1968, I remained in the navy for approximately two more
years before the navy bluntly told me to either adopt the kids out, or get out.
My commanding officers exact words were, “You’re of no value to us anymore.”
I got.
all happened so quickly that I was totally unprepared for civilian life. And,
that’s when the real hardships began. In order to support three children plus
myself, I needed more money than was normally available for a man just starting
out in life with only a high school degree. Looking, I went from one job to
another, and in the process, I left Catholicism.
In the early 70s there were two things going on in my
personal life; along with trying to trying to find a decent job, I was also in a
desperate search for spiritual truth—although I didn't realize it. I
wanted more than what I found as a Catholic. In my
search I tried Rosicrucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism, all pretty much at the
same time.
After a few years, I
realized these religions left me unfulfilled and, for the first time, began
praying for TRUTH! “God, show me the truth,”
There’s no way to explain what was really going on. My search was desperate and
I knew there was an absolute reality; an absolute truth and not what someone
told me to believe.
There was one other thing plaguing my life at that time: extreme loneliness.
There may be nothing more deadly to the human spirit than loneliness.
don’t remember the name of the company, but I began selling cable TV in San
Jose, and was doing OK—in those days people really wanted cable, so it was easy
to sell. But, I was still very lonely and spiritually bereft, so one day when
the kids were in school and I had finished work early, I found myself really
depressed—something I used to have to contend with periodically. Often when I
was depressed I would go to the Eastridge Mall in San Jose, because just the
simple act of being around
people seemed to cheer me up, so off to the mall I went.
This day it didn’t work. It seemed as though everyone was all caught up in their
own worlds, talking and laughing together, making me feel all the more isolated
and lonely—like a little island that nobody saw or cared about. The longer I was
there the more depressed I became.
Once you’re in a blue funk like that, there doesn’t seem
to be a way out of it—you just sink lower and lower.
Anyway, I had reached an all-time low and decided
there was only one thing left to do: go home, take my shotgun, put the barrel
under my chin, point it upwards, and pull the trigger.
Once I made that decision, I instantly turned and headed for the exit. As I was
nearing the exit I began praying, and this is what I said,
“God, I’m sorry to be
such a disappointment to you, but I can’t take anymore.”
What happened next is why
I remember what I said verbatim. I was almost to the exit when my prayer ended.
Immediately two strong hands grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around in
mid step.
If you’ve never had
anything like that happen to you, believe me, it’s startling. My next thought
was so trite it’s hard to believe it’s actually what I thought, “Alright, if I’m
not supposed to commit suicide, I won’t.”
was stunned as I walked back into the center of the mall—something had happened
that I knew couldn't happen. Back in the middle of the mall (I was on a
second story walkway) I stood by the railing that overlooked the main floor
below. Looking down, I was just in time to watch a dance presentation being put on
by the various Bay Area dance studios.
Directly below me were various artists
warming up by doing practice dance steps, stretches, etc.
And then the show began. It was thrilling and
lovely to see.
Every type of dance imaginable was performed by
dancers who varied from the graceful old pros, (my age now) to awkward young
But they all had one thing in common: each did their very
That afternoon—simply by watching the dancers below—my dark mood lifted and
I went home a far different man than when I arrived at the mall.
For years I never told that story because something bothered me. Why was my life spared (interfered with) while so many others before and after have been allowed to follow through? Then one day the answer came. It wasn’t because I was special or favored by God in any way. It was because a major part of my depression was my loss of spiritual grounding. I no longer knew what to believe, yet knew there was more.
That was part of it.
The other part was my prayer: I blamed nobody but myself. I didn’t blame
Catholics, God, or anyone else. It was my failing, not theirs
So, what
about absolute truth?
Did I ever find it?